Speech Therspy

Kid Connections Therapy is a pediatric speech/language therapy clinic in Odenton and Silver Spring with a dynamic team that values relationships, integrity, and a growth mindset. 

Speech Therapy

Our purpose is to help children reach meaningful connections through communication.

Speech Therapy

We are a family-oriented, relaxed, collaborative, nurturing, engaging, and innovative team.

Reaching Meaningful Connections through Communication

Our Process


Completing a speech, language, or feeding evaluation allows us to fully understand your child’s strengths and challenges.  You will be asked to complete a comprehensive pediatric history form.  We may also ask you to provide copies of previous reports from other service providers, including doctors, therapists, and teachers.

Evaluations are typically one hour.

Within two weeks following the evaluation, you will receive a written evaluation report, complete with formal assessment results, informal observations, background information, interpretation, and recommendations.

Speech Therapist with child

Speech Therapy

Kid Connections provides therapy sessions focused on speech sound production, understanding of language, expression of language, pragmatics, and feeding.

Based on the results of the evaluation, we will work with you to develop a customized therapy program to address areas of concern.  Therapy is always based on current research and driven by the needs and interests of our clients.

We collaborate with school-based teams and other service providers to provide a comprehensive approach to a child’s development, ensuring success in school and at home.

Speech Therapist with Child


Our Treatment approach considers the whole child. We maintain a family-centered. play-based, naturalistic, child-focused approach.

During treatment, we consider all aspects that may affect your child. We consider all domains: social-emotional, cognitive-linguistic, and sensory-motor.

We consider the best approach for this moment in time, specific to your child. Most importantly, we consider the family life,  structure, and the family’s goals.

Our mission is help families reach meaningful connections through communication. 

Speech Therapist with Child


We accept:

  • CareFirst BCBS
  • United Healthcare
  • Johns Hopkins EHP
  • Johns Hopkins USFHP
  • Aetna PPO (Out of Network)
  • Cigna PPO (Out of Network)
  • Kaiser Permanente

We are not in network with Medicaid (e.g., Priority Partners, Amerigroup, Healthchoice, etc.).

Our Expertise

speech therapy Silver Spring


  • Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders
  • Autism
  • Down Syndrome
  • Motor Speech Disorders including Childhood Apraxia of Speech and Dysarthria
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Articulation/Phonological Disorders
  • Feeding and Swallowing Disorders
  • Receptive/Expressive Language Disorders
  • Developmental Delays
  • Craniofacial Malformations including Cleft Palate


  • Orofacial Myofunctional Treatment
  • Tethered Oral Tissues
  • Gestalt Language Processing
  • Natural Language Acquisition Framework
  • Parent Coaching
  • Augmentative & Alternative Communication (AAC)
  • Play Development
  • Cultural & Linguistic Diversity
  • Neurodiversity Affirming care
  • Strength-based Approaches
  • Impact of Sensory Regulation on Communication
  • Background in varied settings including schools and hospitals
  • Teletherapy
Speech Therapy Silver Spring


  • Hanen It Takes Two to Talk
  • Meaningful Speech
  • Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention
  • Dynamic Tactile and Temporal Cueing (DTTC)
  • Rapid Syllable Transition Training (ReST)
  • Speech Motor Chaining
  • Mini Muncher

Meet our team


Speech-Language Pathologist
Speech-Language Pathologist

Shanna Klump

Speech-Language Pathologist
Clinical co-director
Speech-Language Pathologist

Sarah Haker

Speech-Language Pathologist
Clinical co-director
Speech-Language Pathologist

Jessica Krishnamoorthy (she/her)

Speech-Language Pathologist

Sarah Cusick

Speech Language Pathologist
Speech-Language Pathologist

Julia Humphreys

Speech Language Pathologist
Speech-Language Pathologist

Chris O'Connor

Speech Language Pathologist
Speech-Language Pathologist

Quincy Derouin

Speech Language Pathologist
Speech-Language Pathologist

Sarah Neubecker

Speech-Language Pathologist

Jack Klopcic


Operations Manager

Rhianna Allen

Operations Manager
Medical Billing Specialist

Ej Felipe

Medical Receptionist

Ashe Duffey