Early language development for your child.

Improve your child’s communication, speech, and language skills with this 8-week program.

Speech,  language, and communication are important areas of development for children during early childhood development. The Family Connections Program guides parents through effective strategies that will help them support their child in these skills through a variety of daily routines and intentional interactions in their everyday life.

This 8-week program has been designed to improve your child’s early language development. It uses the magic of daily routines to help you support your child in developing communication, speech, and language skills, allowing a deeper connection.

What is inside

8 x Training Videos
8 x Downloadable Resources

Unpack the importance of reading, wait time, routines, conversation, and being a language model, and how you can use these techniques to help your child develop early language and communication skills.

The improved understanding of your child through this program will help you respond to your child in a way that he/she is able to learn and grow in the best way possible.


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